Friday, April 29, 1988

A Boss weekend on tap

By Steve Marinucci
Published Friday, April 29, 1988, San Jose (CA) Mercury News

So you called people you haven't seen since kindergarten and still couldn't drum up a ticket to either of Bruce Springsteen's shows Monday and Tuesday? And you're depressed because even your boss is going to see the Boss and you're not? Or maybe you just can't get enough Bruce? Is that what's got you feeling blue, bucko?
Well, cheer up. MTV will help ease the pain with "Bruce Springsteen Weekend," a tribute running from 3 a.m. Saturday to 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Bruce news and videos will, of course, be plentiful.
Highlighting the two days will be an hourlong special, "Bruce Springsteen -- Inside the Tunnel of Love," containing concert and interview footage of Bruce and the E Street Band from the band's Detroit stop on the current tour. The special will be broadcast at noon and 7 p.m. Saturday, and also close out the weekend at 5:30 p.m. Sunday.