By Steve Marinucci
Published Aug. 11, 2004, San Jose (CA.) Mercury News
Residents of St. Augustine, Fla., were surprised Thursday to see a man identified as former Beatle Ringo Starr at a local hotel. Stories in the St. Augustine Daily Record, on Friday and Saturday said he played the piano, toured a museum and later sat in with a local group. Two stories appeared on St., the paper's Internet arm, which has a picture of the man at
The man in the photo, wearing a black T-shirt with a Volkswagen Beetle on it, appears to have a different hairline and more of a paunch than past pictures of Starr. Other newspapers picked up the story from the Associated Press.
Problem is, it wasn't Ringo. Ringo's publicist, Elizabeth Freund in New York, confirmed that the former Beatle was in England last week.