Thursday, February 27, 2025

Q&A Audrey McCombs 7/13/09

(This interview was conducted shortly after Audrey McCombs had her arm signed by Paul McCartney at a concert in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She later had a tattoo made. The above video shows it as it happened that night.)

Q: Let me start by asking how old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?

Audrey: I’m 19 years old.

Q: Is that the first Paul concert you’ve ever been to?

Audrey: No, this is my fourth.

Q: Where else did you see him?

Audrey: I saw Nov. 7, 2005 in San Jose, Nov. 16 in Sacramento, 2005, and then I saw him last April 17 at the Coachella Music Festival.

Q: You didn’t go to the Joint? You didn’t see him in Vegas?

Audrey: Unfortunately, I had school and I had to be back for tests and stuff because it was toward the end of the semester. It’s extremely unfortunate, but I know I definitely wanted to go to that.

Q: Yeah, because I was there and that was a tremendous show. That was tremendous. That really was. So, let’s see. You flew out to Canada. I assume you had this planned months and months in advance. Is that right?

Audrey: When I found out he was playing another show, another general admission show is what really got me. I said, ‘You know, I have the money, from scholarships and stuff, I have the money. I’m gonna go. I don’t care if it’s in Nova Scotia. I’m going to go. I asked around my family, and I said, “Does anyone want to go with me to Halifax so I don’t have to go by myself? And there was a family reunion that weekend but I didn’t know about it. And my grandma eventually said yes and so she came with me.

Q: Your grandmother went with you. OK. So you get into Halifax. Did you stay at the hotel where he was?

Audrey: Oh, no, definitely not. We stayed in a hostel because it was cheap. But we got in there, what was it, Thursday night, very late, but with the time change it felt like 8 o’clock like it was in my body. And went to the hostel and got settled in. And then Friday we went around and explored a bit. We went up to the Commons to check out the field and talk to a couple of people. Then we went down to the wharf or whatever it is. Learned stuff about Halifax. And then Hal Bruce was there and he was playing Beatle songs in this littls plaza thing. That was pretty cool. And actually, we went to dinner and then went up to the Commons for some reason. I don’t remember why. We just went back up there. And about two minutes after we got there, he started his soundcheck. Which was awesome, because he played “San Francisco Bay Blues,” “C Moon,” “Coming Up,” which is cool. He rehearsed “Mull of Kintyre” with the Pipe Band, which was awesome, too. And, what else did he play? “Midnight Special,” so it was great. Good timing.

Q: And so the next day, you go to the show. You were right up front?

Audrey: I actually slept at the gates that night overnight with some really awesome fans. Half of them were from Quebec and they only speak French and I’m from California and nobody speaks French. I don’t speak Spanish. So I had no idea what they were saying. But I met a woman who’s been to over 30 shows. She’s going to all three New York City shows and a D.C. show. And she let me sleep under a sleeping bag. So I was right in front for the gates. They opened and I had to sprint. I sprinted towards the front and I got second row center. So, yeah, it was pretty close.

Q: And you already had the sign.

Audrey: I made the sign a few days before at work when I really wasn’t doing anything.

Q: Did you think of it all by yourself or did somebody help you?

Audrey: Yeah. I’ve been wanting to do for, like, three or four years now. I never thought it would happen. (Laughs)

Q: So we get to …what song was it now? When did it happen?

Audrey: ‘Calico Skies’ After that song he’s always he checking the signs are. (hard to understand) I held it up during that song and the first time he looked at it after the first verse, he got this really puzzled look on his face like he was really confused. Then he kept looking down at me during the rest of the song and then he … yeah, aw man…

Q: So he calls you up and then what happened? Did they call you around to the side and let you in?

Audrey: No, they hoisted like security … the next thing I knew I was jumping over the barrier. Security was bringing me toward the side of the stage. And I went up and the next thing I knew I was running towards Paul McCartney. And I gave him a hug. And he signed my arm. And, oh … and I turned around and Rusty was there and I’m going, ‘Rusty,’ and gave him a hug. And I went, ‘Well it wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the band if I didn’t give them hugs, too. So I ran over to Brian and gave him a hug. Then I couldn’t get to Abe because he was behind his set. I was like, ‘Hey Abe, I saw you last week in Oakland with Eric Clapton and you were awwwsome, and he laughed and he smiled. And then I went and climbed up on Wix’s keyboard place and gave him a hug, too. Then, aw man, it was great. Then they helped me off to the medic tent because I was freaking out.

Q: OK. Have you seen the YouTube video, by the way?

Audrey: Yes. Yes.

Q: What did you think of that?

Audrey: Somebody had some writeup where he was, ‘She was delirious. She ran around the stage hugging the band members,’ but it’s cool to watch it because it hasn’t sunk in yet. I still can’t believe it. And I watched it and I have to look at my arm and, like, is it still there? Did this really happen?

Q: You’ve already gotten the tattoo, correct?

Audrey: Yes.

Q: How’d you get that?

Audrey: Um, let’s see. We got back to the hostel, let’s see, at one in the morning. And then left at three, so we got two hours of sleep to go to the airport and catch a plane. And then got back here around 2 o’clock in Humboldt County. And I texted my friend while we were in the Toronto Airport and I was like, ‘We should look for tattoo places that are open on Sunday’ and she did and she made the appointment for 5. And we went to the tattoo parlor and the guy had been booked for five months solid. And he heard my story and he said, ‘I have to be a part of this. So he spent some time after work. He refused to sign my arm with us listening to the Beatles. So my friend had to go out and he bought the Anthology 1 set, the first two-disc set. And he put in the second CD. And then he was tattooing my arm and “All My Loving” came on and I totally lost it. I was crying. He did that song in Halifax. And I was like, “Oh my gosh. I just…Oh, my gosh, oh man. Don’t even know.

Q: Cool. And you emailed me earlier that you are going to Dallas or Tulsa?

Audrey: Dallas. I’m really close to going to Dallas because I want to stand by the gate where he drives and say, ‘You know, I got it.’

Q: Cool. Have you taken a picture of it already, by chance?

Audrey: Yes, it’s on my Facebook page.

Q: Have you taken any other pictures since you got back? Do you have any pictures of yourself?

Audrey: Yeah, my friend’s a photographer and she came with me to the tattooing and she took pictures during and after and before, so those are all on my Facebook page.

Q: Is that you from Redding? Is that you?

Audrey: Yeah.

Q: How many friends have you gotten since yesterday.

Audrey: Oh, my gosh. Probably 60. Somewhere around there. And I’m talking to a girl right now I think she’s in Palo Alto on Facebook. And she’s like, ‘Oh, my gosh. I’m talking to that girl who got her arm signed by Paul McCartney.

Q: Well, that’s really all I wanted to .. I just wanted to hear it in your own words. So I can quote you. That’s about it. I appreciate you’re taking the time to talk to me. And congratulations. I put that up … I don’t know if you saw what I put up, well you did obviously, but I got comment on my Facebook page. There are a ton of people jealous of you, girl.

Audrey: I know. After the concert there were a bunch of people, like, ‘Oh my gosh it’s the girl who got signed. Can I have a picture with you?’ And yeah, it’s weird, like.

Q: Well, congratulations and much like. Hope something good happens in Dallas, OK?

Audrey: Yeah.

Q: Congratulations, take care. Bye bye.

Audrey: Yea. Bye.

Could you imagine John Lennon being a fan of Fox News?

John Lennon (Courtesy Wikimedia

By Steve Marinucci
June 6, 2013

The recent headlines that John Lennon may have been a "closet conservative" and a fan of Ronald Reagan have singled out phrases to get attention, but the truth is likely somewhere else.

The stories originated in interviews with Seth Swirsky, who has made a film called "Beatle Stories" with first-hand accounts of stories about the Beatles from both celebrities and fans.  Swirsky, the author of three books that feature letters from baseball players about their sport, told us in an interview he did it to get stories on the record about the Beatles.

"And so I'm having drinks with some Liverpudlians and they're telling me some stories. And I thought, 'You know what?' I did this with baseball in a way with asking players about some intimate details about their lives in and out of baseball. I'm going to maybe film some people that have these stories. They could be famous or not famous."

One of the stories -- and the one that's gotten a lot of attention -- is from Fred Seaman, former personal assistant to John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Swirsky says that, according to Seaman's in the film, ""The John of 1979 was not the John of 1971. He would have been embarrassed by 'Imagine."

"Fred Seaman goes into a whole thing how John would have voted for Reagan and not Carter in 1980 if he could have. And that he was espousing true conservative beliefs," Swirsky says.

Swirsky says there are several reasons. "John was 40. He had a kid and he was married. And he was kind of living the family life. He didn't care about being the Beatles any more or putting out 'All You Need Is Love.'"

The filmmaker says former football player Frank Gifford introduced Lennon to Ronald Reagan. Gifford told him, "I'm the one who introduced Lennon to Reagan. And I remember like it was yesterday. And I remember looking up and there was Reagan with his arm around Lennon. They're laughing together, having a great time."

May Pang was there when Lennon and Reagan met. As she posted on her Facebook page and also told us by email, "When John and I met Ronald Reagan back in 1974 on the 'Monday Night Football' program, he found him to be a nice down-to-earth guy. He was intrigued that an actor actually became governor of the State of California, but even more excited that evening upon meeting his favorite comedian, Jonathan Winters. Depending on who he was with, John liked to stir the pot. That was his nature. As far as radicalism is concerned, as he matured he took a more mellow approach towards life."

Swirsky recounting of Seaman's comments adds to the "stir the pot" idea. According to Swirsky and Seaman, "John could have been trying to take the p--- out of people when he was saying that because there were people in the room and he was arguing with my Marxist uncle, Norman Seaman, he said. So he could have been just trying to play,"  ... which gives the left an out. They can say to themselves, he was just being John and all that stuff."

We made a couple of attempts to get comments from Yoko Ono, but there's been no reply to our requests. Maybe she'll have something to say in her Friday weekly Twitter comments.

If John Lennon mellowed his political views in later years, he's not alone. It happened to many people, including many of Lennon's associates in his radical days, such as Jerry Rubin.

But given his feelings on war and with all the causes he and Yoko Ono championed during their years together, it doesn't make a lot of sense that if he were alive now he'd be watching Glenn Beck every night.




On the other hand, 


April 14, 2016: Fans show support after Ringo Starr cancels show to protest North Carolina law

By Steve Marinucci
April 14, 2016

Ringo Starr became the latest to protest a controversial new law in North Carolina by announcing in a statement issued on April 13 that he was canceling an upcoming concert by himself and the All-Starr Band in the state. House Bill 2 law says the LBGT community can use only the bathroom of the sex listed on their birth certificate. The statement's posting on his Facebook page has received over 18,000 likes since Wednesday.
The concert was scheduled for June 18 at Koka Booth Amphitheater in Cary, North Carolina. “I'm sorry to disappoint my fans in the area, but we need to take a stand against this hatred. Spread peace and love,” Starr said. “How sad that they feel that this group of people cannot be defended." His statement also asked his fans to support those working to overturn the law.

Starr becomes the latest to object to the law, which was passed by the state legislature in reaction to a bill in Charlotte, North Carolina, that would have allowed transgender people to use the restroom of the gender they identify with. Bruce Springsteen recently canceled a concert in the state because of the bill. In a statement, he said, “Some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry — which is happening as I write — is one of them. It is the strongest means I have for raising my voice in opposition to those who continue to push us backwards instead of forwards.”

In addition to the LBGT section, the law also includes provisions restricting expanding work anti-discrimination protections. It was pushed through the state's General Assembly in a special session, according to CNN.

Fox and A&E have also recently threatened to not film any projects in the state because of the law, according to Variety. The NBA has also threatened to move its All-Star Game in 2017 unless the law is repealed. Hundreds of North Carolina residents participated in a rally in Raleigh on April 8 objecting to the law, ABC 11 reported. The ACLU has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the law, according to NPR.

Tickets purchased for the June 18 concert through the box office using a credit card and also by phone or online will be refunded automatically to the original credit card holder, the venue said. But those purchased with cash must be returned to the box office for a refund.

An interview with author Keith Badman

The author of "The Beatles After the Breakup 1970-2000" discusses his book

(We are honored to have this interview with the author of one of the best Beatle books in recent years. Our thanks to Keith for taking the time to answer the questions and Andrew Brooks for helping arrange it.)

Q: How did the idea of the book originate and how long did it take to put together?

KB:  The book came about because I realised that no one had ever attempted this before. I couldn't believe that the post Beatles career had not been examined like The Beatles' years. I worked on this book soildly around 11 months, from June 1998 until May 1999.

Q: In general, what were your research sources?

KB:  I used everything possible. TV programmes, radio interviews, books, magazines, cuttings, other books, libraries, private collections, my own large collection, and, of course, the WWW.

Q: What was the most surprising thing you found from the research?

KB: : Too many to mention, really. For instance, I was surprised to find the correct date for the American Let It Be film release, especially when every other book had just listed the date from the original Apple press release.

Q: Because of the recent VH1 movie "Two of Us," there's been a lot of speculation about the relationship between John and Paul after the breakup. Based on your research, how would you describe it?

KB:  They just went their separate ways really. That's it. They just grew apart. Paul was more keen on John to get together, but John was more keen to spend more time with Yoko and Sean and not bother with the hassles of the music industry.

Q:And how about John's relationships with George and Ringo, how would you describe them?

KB: John didn't really have much to do with George. As we know, he was a bit hurt by his omission in the book "I Me Mine." Ringo was close to John. As we know by the picture, Ringo dropped into see John in 1979 and when tragedy struck in December 1980, Ringo was the only Beatle to turn up at the Dakota. Of course, there would have been pandemonium if Paul and George had also turned up, which would not have been fair to Yoko and Sean.

Q:  Where did the picture of John and Paul at Harry Nilsson's house come from?

KB: This great picture, their last together, came from Keith Moon's friend Dougal Butler.

Q:  Do you plan to do an update?

KB: Yes, I am preparing information now, and I shall keep on checking the Abbeyrd webpage to keep me informed on what's happening.

Questions submitted by our website readers: 

Q: Dear Keith, It seems that there has been a rift between Paul & George for some time now -- they seem unusually reluctant to collaborate on anything (except for the Anthology). What caused this rift? Shouldn't George be eternally grateful to Paul since he was the one who convinced John to include him in the Quarrymen?
Thanks, Bob Elliott (

KB: "Hi Bob, I think, basically, Paul and George just grew apart. George, as well as Ringo, has remarked that Paul can be a bit overbearing. George said in 1974, when anouncing his US Tour, that he wouldn't play in a band with Paul again. George has made it quite clear that he likes to play music and socialise with the regular players, ie. Jeff Lynne, Bob Dylan, Joe Brown, Tom Petty, Ringo, etc etc, all people that George, possibly, doesn't feel threatened by and is suitably relaxed. I feel pretty certain that George doesn't feel that way about Paul. Of course, George should be grateful to Paul for getting him in The Quarry Men, but, in George's own words, 'All Things Must Pass'.

Q: Dear Mr.Badman, In your interesting book we can find on page 128; Sunday July 14 Scotland, recording the famous piano tape. That would would be the answer on the question when the tape was recorded,but... In the very good booklet of the DCC cd inlay we can read that "Sally G." was recorded in the Soundshop Studios in Nashville on July 9 and that "Bridge on the River Suite" was recorded on July 11 and "Walking in the Park with Eloise" on July 16! But even when this information was incorrect,I can't imagine he played at his first sunday at home after weeks of rehearsals and recordings with probably a jetlag, one hour of new music! Thanks for answering.
Jan Cees ter Brugge [] The Netherlands

KB: Hi Jan, In my opinion, I am really not surprised that Paul should play music at home after four weeks of rehearsing and recording. Paul has often remarked that music is his life. We often hear the story about how Paul fell out of bed and played 'Scrambled Eggs/Yesterday' on the piano which was beside his bed. As we know from listening to the famous piano tape, it is hardly a proper studio recording, is it? What do you think? ------------

Q: Was there really plans for John to join Paul in New Orleans for recording in time period of "Venus and Mars" --- Thanks. Christopher Lindsay []

KB: Hi Christopher, a few reports at the time suggested that Paul wanted John to join him in New Orleans for the recording of 'Venus & Mars'. As we know from this period, John and Paul were beginning to socialise briefly again. So, an invite by Paul would not be out of the question. Their ultimate fall out didn't happen until 1976.

Q: Did Paul and John record something together after the breakup of The Beatles, becouse there were some notes that they did in 1974 and had a jam session? Bartholomew Flis -Poland []

KB: Hi Bartholomew, Yes, the famous 1974 jam session with John and Paul did take place, and I mention it on the pages 121 and 122.

Q: I have a question for Keith: Recently, a "lost" solo Lennon track called "Rock Peace" has been discovered. There are photographs that exist of the supposed lyric sheet and Mal Evans mentioned the track once long ago in an issue of Beatles Monthly although he mentions that the track was an instrumental. Do you have any light to shed on this subject???

KB: Hi, John, hasn't this been bootlegged in various short 'dittie' sequences? I don't think this was ever completed.

Q: 2) In Albert Goldman's book there is a mention of a track Lennon was working on and had committed to cassette called "Street of Dreams" in which John finished the track with an old middle eight he had written in the Beatle days. Do you have any light to shed on this track. Was it one of the items that Fred Seaman stole from the Lennon estate???

KB: Yes, I know of that. Sadly, the only thing I can add is that I suspect your statement may well be true.

Q:3) Any info regarding the Lennon/McCartney jam from 1974 "including Midnight Special." A tape/CD is circulating containing some of that jam but Midnight Special has not been aired or pressed to CD. Why?? Is the tape in a private collection such as Roy Cicala???? Thanks! John Bezzini JBEZZINI@LIMRA.COM

KB: Yes, if you go to pages 121 and 122 you'll see the story about these sessions. I also explain why 'Midnight Special' was not on the 'Toot And A Snore in 74' cd. Hope this helps.

Q: I enjoyed the book very much but why did it come out in 1999 and not 2000??? Will there soon be a second edition which will only have a few additional pages in it? (I know that looks like two questions, but it really is only one!) Thanks, Richard Sinclair []

KB: Hi Richard. I'm glad you enjoyed my book, thanks. It came out when it did due to the marketing plans by Omnibus, my publishers. Yes, a full updated version of the book, including, for instance, all of Paul's "Run Devil Run" items, will be out later. I intend to keep on updating it.

Q: How are relations between Paul and George today? Do you think, in terms of their relationship these days, that Paul is more sinned against than sinning? And can you shed any further light about what was wrong with the third song they did for the Anthology (Now and Then, I think)? From your (excellent) book, it seems as though it was George who blocked its release... Cheers Stephen Pepper []

KB: Hi Stephen, I'm glad you enjoyed my book. Thank you! Sadly, from the information I've received from those close them, I don't think they see much of each other, at all, now. Paul has said he rings him, but George doesn't reply. Ringo always does. Take a look at pages 569/570 - June 1997 - in my book to see a revealing interview with Paul. I think this could sum it all up. George, as we know, is more frequently seen 'hanging out' with people like Joe Brown and the Monty Python star Eric Idle. It was Eric who visited and stayed with George shortly after the tragic stabbing incident last December. As for the third Anthology new song, I honestly believe that George thought it was rubbish, and he told them. A good song, but not good enough to be by The Beatles! Yes, it was him that blocked it. Not long ago, I was in Europe and a 'fan' played me a tape which had alternate early versions of Paul, George and Ringo's version of John's 'Free As A Bird', and it was very different to what was released. And not very impressive! I think if this third song, 'All For Love', did come out, it would do more harm than good for The Beatles.

Q: How accurate was VH1's "Two of Us"? Can you give me some insight on what really happened that infamous day? What was John's and Paul's relationship like? thanks Rob (

KB: Hi Rob, I think VH-1's Two Of Us was, by everybody's standards, a bit far fetched, don't you think? John and Paul were, at last, becoming friends again. Nothing heavy or strong as in The Beatles' days, but it was now friendly and didn't turn into big slanging matches. Paul and Linda even dropped by the Dakota at Christmas 1975, but John and Paul had grown apart anyway, John was now a proud father again, and a house husband, and Paul was enjoying great success with Wings. Simply, Paul and Linda turned up at the Dakota on April 24 1976 and watched the SNL reunion offer, and, because the evening went so well, Paul turned up again the following day, this time with a guitar, but John had been very busy looking after Sean, and got annoyed with Paul's sudden appearance at his door. Paul took offence and left. That was it. That's what basically happened (see pages 181/182). Sadly, according to Jack Douglas, Paul tried ringing John during the Double Fantasy sessions, but he did not receive the call. Hope this answers your question.

Q: Hello Keith!! Can you pinpoint the LAST TIME that all 4 Beatles were in the same room,at the same time?? I know in your book you have a date in September of 1979 when they were suing the producers of"Beatlemania!" Is that the last time The Beatles were together?? Great book by the way!! Thank You!! Jim Cushman

KB: Hi Jim, Glad you enjoyed the book, thank you! The last time the four Beatles were in the same together was back at the end of 1969, shortly after the last photo session at John's home in Ascot (August). Yes, they sued the producers of "Beatlemania," but this was all done by lawyers representing The Beatles. We almost had four Beatles a few times in the seventies. For instance, the Apple paper-signing of December 1974, but John didn't show, and Ringo stayed in England, and Eric Clapton's wedding to Patti in 1979. John said, 'I would have come if I had known.'

Q: Keith: When will George Harrison release his "supposed" new solo album-"Portrait of a Leg End" (i think it's called)--Everyone is waiting on news of this??????? also, Was there truly a meeting of John and Paul in the 70's--and if so what really transpired between the two??? Did the members of the Beatles ever discuss seriously getting back together for a show, album, appearence, etc.??? Hope to get some great answers. Look forward to them.
Ryan (

KB: Hi Ryan, Yes, we're all looking forward to George's "Portrait Of A Leg End." He has definitely recorded stuff for it, including a track written by Jim Capaldi. Sadly, due to that idiot who burst into Friar Park last December, George may well be quite reluctant to go back into the soptlight again. What a shame! Let's hope he does! Yes, Paul and John met many times in the 70's. A picture of a meeting in 1975 is in my book. They toyed with getting together again, but it appeared that they all agreed to do it at different times, when the others were saying no! John said they may do it 1976 when their EMI contract expired but, by then, he was otherwise engaged with Sean and Yoko, and somewhat retired from music. Surprisingly, over the years, it seemed that George and Ringo were the most against a full blown Beatles reunion.

Q:Keith, in your book you mention John's, then later Ringo's home, Tittenhurst Park in Ascot. After a certain date, there are no further mentions of Tittenhurst Park. Did Ringo sell it? And if so when and to whom? By the way, I've just finished the book and found it totally spellbinding. There's so much more information in there than in the autobiographies I've read so far. Well done! Kind regards Maureen Fitzpatrick []

KB: Hi Maureen, A fine compliment indeed. Thank you very much! Yes, Tittenhurst Park was bought off Ringo by an old sheik. He then subsequently knocked some of the house down and painted the remainder pink!! Sadly, I didn't know the date of the purchase, hence it wasn't in the book.

Q: Hi Keith. I've heard that there were several occasions during the mid to late 70's when Paul would make an attempt to contact John , but Yoko wouldn't put the calls through to John or even tell give him the messages. I'm a big fan of Yoko's and can't believe this could be true. Can you shed any light once and for all? Chris

KB: Hi Chris, The story about Yoko not putting through Paul's phone call to John came from the great Jack Douglas. My book lists as many John-Paul meetings as I could find out, and includes the only picture taken of John and Paul together after The Beatles' break-up! I too am a big Yoko Ono fan. A most fascinating and intelligent woman.

Q:Relationship between Ringo and John, I think they were very close friends, isn't it?

KB: Hi, Merie ?, Yes, John and Ringo remained close friends right to the end. Ringo had even asked John to play on his "Can't Fight Lightning" album in 1981. As we know, Ringo was the only Beatle to visit the Dakota after the terrible incident in December 1980.

Q:Hello Mister Badman. First off all, thanx for your great book. Absolutely the best in it`s (ex-Fab) field! My question concerns the possible meeting of John & Paul at the Grammy Awards ceremony, march 1 1975. John was 1 of the masters of ceremony there and Wings got an award for BOTR (by whom??). I know PM was in L.A. that day, because Linda got `busted` then for possesion of the evil stuff. Would be very likely Paul would attend the show because of the award AND that he saw John at the afterparty. Could be the only time in the seventies they were seen together in public! But you didn`t mention it. Maybe you know more about it now? Thanx very much for answering. Greetings, Meindert Hiemstra (Holland) []

KB: Hi Meindert. Glad you enjoyed my book. Thank you! No, I believe that Paul and Linda left the Grammy Awards ceremont before the end. A friend of mine was at the event, covering the event for a UK music paper, and assures me that the McCartneys left early. Hope this answers your question.

Q: What was the real reason George Martin did not produce the Beatles' reunion singles? He has always said that it was because of his hearing,, yet he went on to produce "Grow Old With Me" for the John Lennon Anthology and his farewell album "In My Life". His hearing seemed to be fine for those projects. I would love to know if you have any insight into this. Thanks. Pixar User []

KB: Hi Pixar, From what I understand, I think George Martin didn't produce the Anthology reunion singles because George wanted Jeff Lynne. And, of course, George Martin was working on "The Beatles' Anthology" albums anyway. I think that's basically what happened. George Harrison has made it quite clear that he enjoys working with Jeff Lynne.

Q: Hi Keith, Will you please publish an INDEX for your wonderful book as a supplement? It will make it much more useful! Knd regards, Bengt Warmlind, Sweden []

KB: Hi Bengt. Yes, we planned an index for the book but, sadly, we ran out of time and pages. To put it simply, I wanted to cram as much information in the book that we didn't have time to add an index before the printing deadline. I am updating the book now to include all recent activities.

Q: It was mentioned in the book that John & George met up at a Monty Python concert in September 1980. There seems to be some doubt as to whether this actually happened. Where did this information come from? What were his sources? angela []

KB: Hi Angela, This came a reporter at the time and, to add weight to this story, John left New York this evening and wasn't seen again until the following day, when he was seen at the Hit Factory sporting a new haircut. I also have George's personal itinerary from that time, and there, on the listing, it says "George - Monty Python" concert. A fascinating story, eh?

Q: Hi Keith I'd like to have your e-mail address, because I have some information I have that you omitted in your book.- You gave me last December that email adress at the Bonnington hotel, but I can't read it so.... It is about Ringo Starr being in Brussels for 3 days in March 1986, see my web page, you'll find the full information there too : Raphaël VANDENBERGHE, from Belgium []

KB: Hi Raphael, Good to hear from you again. Thanks for sending this information in. Please keep in touch.

Q: Did the Beatles ever have fistfights amongst each other?

KB: Hi Bone, I'm sure that they had many fights, arguments, etc. Especially 1968 onwards.

Q: I loved the book, but I think it would really been helpful to have an index that list all dates that involved two or more Beatles interacting. Thanks. Bruce Snively

KB: Hi Bruce, Yes, I agree, an index would have been more helpful, but, as I typed before, time was against us. A lame excuse I know, but I am most pleased that you loved the book, thanks very much.

Q:Hey Keith: Great book!!!... You mention that in 1980 that John Lennon went to LA to see Monty Python at the Hollywood Bowl with George Harrison.....I'm wondering where you got this info from...I've never heard this anywhere else.....thanks. i really enjoyed your book. mike

KB: Hi MIke, Thanks for the e-mail. I am most pleased that you enjoyed my book. Thank you! As I typed above, I got this info from original reports, and George's personal schedule. I must add, the meeting between the two Beatles was only brief, from what I can believe.

Q: My name is Jeffrey. I was wondering exactly how Mr. Badman compiled all this information for "The Beatles After the Break-up." He did a real great job on that. Thank you.

KB: Hi Jeffrey, I am very pleased you enjoyed the book. How did I do this? Masses of research, ploughing through millions of files, cuttings, books, mags, etc etc. I think it's always best not to reveal your sources, don't you think. But thanks again for your compliment.

Q: Great book -- really enjoyed it -- read it cover to cover in spite of myself. Obvious question -- why no index? There was also an obvious (from the US standpoint) factual error in there. I think you claimed that Billy Crystal played Fr. Guido Sarducci on Saturday Night Live. I'm not sure who played Sarducci, but it definitely was not Billy Crystal. I'd find the exact date of the reference index. Seriously, really enjoyed it. Kevin and Bridget Walsh []

KB: Hi Kevin and Bridget, Yes, no index. Please see above. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the book. Thank you very much. Yes, I agree, it wasn't Billy Crystal who was on SNL. I was most angry that I got this wrong. Sloppy research I'm afraid to say. This will be corrected in the next version of my book. Thanks again.

Q: Hi Keith! How certain are you that the four lads would reunite as the Beatles for either a concert performance or some studio work (album) had John not been killed? I am totally certain that they would have eventually. What do you think? Thank you, Tony Bryan []

KB: Hi Tony, Yes, I think that they would have done something together eventually. Don't forget, John's 1979 affidavit said words to this effect when they were suing the producers of "Beatlemania." Would a reunion have been any good though? What do you think?

Q: :The Beatles After the Break-Up" is a wonderful book and extremely full of details about dates, recordings and events of the life of The Beatles from 1970/2000. So, this is my question : in 1996, George Harrison recorded in Friar Park gardens a message for his famous friend Emerson Fittipaldi , who had suffered a serious car accident in that year. George even composed a little song (using the melody of Here Comes the Sun) , wishing Fittipaldi's restablishment. The images were transmitted late in 1996 in a Brazilian TV program called " This Is Your Life" and the song was included in some bootlegs cds. Why doesn't the book mention this fact? And just a little other question : why not an indice was included in the book? Vladimir Araújo. Brazil. 21/03/00 []

KB: Hi Vladimir, Thanks for the compliments about my book. Very nice to hear. I agree, I failed to mention George's message to Emerson. Thanks for reminding me. I intend to add this to the next version. As for no index? Please see a previous question. Thanks again for your nice words.

Q: 1) Why was there A) no index and B) no sources listed for your entries? 2) Was there some sort deadline that didn't allow for the book to be proofread or fact-checked? There are so many glaring errors (It got to the point where I started keeping track and compiled three legal pad pages of silly mistakes.) that it causes the reader to question information the rest of the material. (Examples: Harrison's studio is FPSHOT, not "FPHOT", McCartney's 1988 version of "Beautiful Night" is NOT on Flaming Pie, "All Those Years Ago" was a single therefore it could not have reached #2 on the Billboard ALBUM chart, Father Guido Sarducci was played by Don Novello not Billy Crystal on Saturday Night Live, etc etc etc) 3) Why did you decide to include items in the future (ie, everything from mid-1999), much of which was pure speculation and which (like the "hits" album and home video that was supposed to be out for Christmas) wound up not happening?

KB: Hi Sarah, Thanks for your e-mail. Please see above regarding a reason for the non-appearance of an index. If you go to the front of the book, you'll see my list of credits and sources for the book. I think I was a bit too generous in crediting some and places. I'm sorry you found so many mistakes. The fact that I missed out an S on FPHOT was down to a 'typo'. I simply made a mistake. I'm not perfect. None of us are. You listed a few mistakes, and you have others, but, to be honest, when I started the book almost two years ago, if someone had said to me, out of all the thousands and thousands of facts, figures and words etc in the book, I would make just a dozen or two mistakes, I would be most pleased. Every book has a mistake, and, don't forget, I can only be as good as my source material. Look at Paul's great biography "Many Years From Now." Even he has some mistakes. Every book has, but, unless you're knowledgable, you won't know the truth. That is not to say that I am 'hoodwinking' the fans, I am not. I did the research to the best of ability within the time allowed. My book was the first of its kind. I had nothing to compare it to, but now, thanks to the many great Beatles fans around the world, I am able to correct these slight errors. Look at every previous book, they all listed the incorrect date for the American Let It Be release. My book details, for the first ever, George's fax to Paul during his time in a Tokyo jail in January 1980. This was not known before. I am pleased with the book. I'm sorry you weren't. But, believe me, it was a hard task. No wonder no one had ever tried this before! As for the non-appearing items, I am not a clairvoyant. All of these items were on the cards for a happening item. Paul's rock & roll album happened. John's Wonsaponatime happened, but, by then, it became Gimme Some Truth. (I have the original PMI working sheets/info which list the orginial title. That is how I got this entry, all from genuine sources.) The Beatles' hits compliations (video and CD) would have happened, but EMI/APPLE were late with getting them out. Shelf space at places like HMV, Virgin, etc, is valuable and were booked well in advance for the Christmas rush. When the book is updated/revised, all of these entries will be taken out and replaced. Thanks for your questions, and I hope I've answered them suitably.

Q: I haven't read the book yet - I live in Holland and can't find it - but still I have a question: what exactly did Badman expect / hope to add to what already has been written about the (ex-members of the) Beatles? Jeroen Dekker []

KB: Hi Jeroen, You should be able to get my book from Rene at Beatles Unlimited (tell him Keith sent you). He runs one of the biggest Beatles clubs in Europe and can supply all legitimate items. When you read my book, then ask me your question again. I think you'll be surprised. Thanks for writing.

Q: Hi there: In a previous edition of Beatles Monthly (1999) was a review of Beatles books. One was about O'Donell's "The day John met Paul". Its said that information was mostly invented due to the fact that between the main charaters of the day, John, Paul & Ivan Vaughan, the only surviving one (Paul) never met him. My question is: Is Ivan Vaughan still living or not. The last information in your book about him is December 3, 1984. Alban de Jerphanion []

KB: Hi Alban, Sadly, Ivan Vaughan died due to his illness.

Q: While I agree that this book is probably one of the best Beatle reference books since Mark Lewisohn's Beatle Chronicle bboks, I must say I am quite disappointed that there is no Index!! The book's value as an easy reference is quite diminished as a result. Why wasn't an Index included?? Robert []

KB: Hi Robert, Thanks for your comments. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I agree an index would have helped. We calculated that an index would have added another thirty pages to the book!

Q:Was there anything you were surprised to discover about the individual Beatles through your research of their activities after the breakup? Diane A. Long Island, NY

KB: Hi Diane, There were many things that surprised me, mostly their comments about things and the other Beatles, etc. Thankfully, I was also pleaseantly surprised by their activties and, in particular, just often they used to meet up or phone each other. For instance, when Paul's father died, the first person he rang was John! Hope you enjoyed the book.

Q: First, was there any realism in the possibilities of the surviving Beatles playing together in Live Aid 1985? Was it only a huge pr-hype-thing for Bob Geldof and Live Aid? Second, are you sure that Paul, George and Ringo recorded also one or two new things besides "Free as a Bird" and Real Love" in the Anthology-reunion -sessions? which songs? Ilkka Yrjä []

KB: Hi Iikka, No, I don't believe there was ever a chance of the three reforming for Live Aid. This was newspaper hype. I am very pleased to have detailed most of the Anthology reunion sessions in my book. Have a read, and see if my book answers your question. Thanks for writing.

Q: Dear Keith, I'd like to respond to an answer you gave to one of the questions posed to you in Steve Maninucci's Beatles site. It's in regards to the Monty Python concert in L.A. and the evidence you cited claiming a John and George meeting. You wrote:

>> add weight to this story, John left New York this evening and wasn't seen again until the following day, when he was seen at the Hit Factory sporting a new haircut.<<

I'm not sure if you're familiar with U.S. time zones, but there's a three-hour difference between New York and L.A., as well as 6.5 hours required to fly from NY to L.A. Thus, even if John _did_ leave New York "this evening," there's no physical way he could have been at the Monty Python concert in L.A. that same evening. (Let's say he leaves "that evening" at 6 PM, NY time; add 6.5 hours flight and it's 12:30 a.m.; minus 3 hours and it's 9:30 PM in L.A.; add an hour on both ends for transportation and airport check-in, and it's 11:30 PM in L.A.) Plus the extremely dubious suggestion that he'd spend 13 hours flying back and forth from NY to LA and back to NY within a day, just to attend a concert.

Do you have any _concrete, documented evidence that John met George then? You mentioned a reporter -- what reporter? Where? What newspaper? Or was that in reference only to George's presence, which is not being disputed? If not, I'd suggest that this alleged meeting never occurred. Thanks. Don Giller []

KB:Dear Don, As for the John- George story 1980, I am aware of the time differences. I should have, obviously, said John left New York early this morning. I know if John had left NY later he wouldn't have got there in time for the MP concert. Since I reported this story in my book, I checked out whether or not other Beatles fanzines at the time picked up on this meeting. I found out that Holland's Beatles Unlimited also saw this report. The plot thickens, but a reporter obviously reported this. I am sorry to report that I don't recall who the reporter was, sorry! I'm quite fascinated myself now to check further on who reported this originally. Thanks for writing.

Looking back at February 9, 1964

By Steve Marinucci
Published Feb. 8, 2008

If we had to pinpoint a date where our affection for the Beatles really came together, it was Feb. 9, 1964. There, I watched with my family (and the rest of the country) as the Beatles made their "Ed Sullivan Show" debut. It was electric. The four were smiling and clearly having a great time ... as well they should have been. Watching clips doesn't bring back the full experience of what it was like. Those were different times. Four guys with long hair was an unusual sight. But they came, we saw, they conquered. Thanks for the memories, guys.

We never got to see the Beatles back then. The closest any of my family got to them was my dad, who was a repairman and not a fan at the beginning. (He kept commenting about their hair during the Sullivan show.) He was driving his truck in Boston when first a policeman, then a motorcade with you know who passed by. It made all us kids very jealous.

By the way, my dad did eventually grow to like them ... once the Rolling Stones came around.

Newly released photos show Beatles backstage at the Cavern in 1963

The Beatles at the Cavern in1963, (Shahrokh

By Steve Marinucci
Beatles Examiner

March 30, 2014

The San Francisco Art Exchange's newly released 1963 photos of the Beatles at the Cavern taken by Shahrokh Hatami is a rare look at the Beatles before Beatlemania, Jim Hartley of the SFAE told us in an email March 29.

“Only weeks later they would be facing 73 million fans through the cameras of 'The Ed Sullivan Show," Hartley said.

The photographs capture the Fab Four backstage at The Cavern with their images dramatically reflected in the mirror mounted on the wall backstage. The newly available images shows the group tuning up for their second performance of the day in Liverpool in December, 1963.

“The scene was captured in the very same shoot that produced the historic 'Fab Four Backstage at the Cavern' photographs that have gained such widespread attention in recent years,” Hartley said. The group appears in turtlenecks, sitting relaxed, in the dimly lit dressing room with their suits hanging in protective bags against the wall.

“It features the distinctive tone of Hatami’s tungsten film, on which he shot this scene using only available light,” Hartley said in describing it. “It also utilizes several image planes due to the large mirror which functions in a clever way to show all four 'Fabs' at once.”

The photo shows Ringo Starr sitting in the foreground with George Harrison across from him, strumming his guitar and looking into the camera. Deeper into the picture and in soft focus, Paul McCartney and John Lennon are shown in the reflection, seated, with John playing his Rickenbacker.

“Overall there is a very dreamlike quality to the image, it is restful and anticipatory at the same time,” Hartley said.

Update: Because of all the inquiries on the location of the picture, we asked the gallery. Mr. Hartley's reply: "You're absolutely correct.... they weren't playing at the Cavern that day. Only used it for a place to kick back between gigs according to the photographer and he tracked them down there/arranged for a shoot for Paris Match magazine."

How we got engaged at a Paul McCartney concert (2009)


Paul McCartney's Up & Coming Tour -- Thursday, August 19, 2010

"There have many wonderful stories during the Up and Coming Tour, what with all the people who lived their dream to meet Paul McCartney. But how about this? Proposing to your girlfriend during a show and having it acknowledged by Paul McCartney.
It happened in Pittsburgh on Aug. 19th. Here is Luke and Michaela's story as they sent it to us."  
"Our 15 minutes of fame came with a little luck, a little planning but really, it was all due to the generosity of one Sir Paul McCartney. I had planned to surprise Michaela by taking her to the show. I asked her to go to Pittsburgh on the 19th without telling her why. The subterfuge would not last. She soon went to the web, typed in Pittsburgh, August 19th... and bingo! Staring back from her monitor were countless entries about the concert.
In the days that followed, she never let on that she knew, though I always suspected she did. I let her think that I didn't know that she knew. I wanted to surprise her. She wanted me to have fun surprising her. Ah, the games lovers play!
While the concert didn't come as a shock to her, the front row tickets did. I warned that our seats might not be as good as the ones we'd had in Vegas for Macca's show at The Joint last year. They could have an "obstructed view". (You never know just where they're going to put the speakers, right?)
We entered the floor area from the back of the arena. Each step drew us closer to the stage. Upon reaching the halfway point, she turned to me and said "Exactly what row are we?"
"One", I replied. Her smile was priceless.
Upon reaching our seats, Michaela began phoning her parents and friends, excitedly telling them that we were in the front row. While she was doing that, I scanned the vicinity for anyone who looked like they might be able to get a note to Paul. Hope began to dim when I realized that most of the people in the area were locally hired security. I thought to myself, "Oh well, it was a longshot at best".
In any case, I was determined to pop to question during MY LOVE. I mean, how cool is that? Asking the woman you adore to marry you while Paul McCartney is just a few feet away, singing the greatest love song ever written...should make a woman feel special.
Eventually, a lovely lady by the name of Shelley appeared in the restricted area. She began talking with the guards. "Oh, everyone is so emotional backstage. We were all crying back there because tonight is the last show of the tour." she said.
It's now or never.
I approached Shelley with a previously typed note. The heading was simple enough... MARRIAGE PROPOSAL IN THE FRONT ROW TONIGHT. The letter went on to explain that I was going to ask Michaela to marry me during the guitar solo of MY LOVE and that it would mean the world to us if Paul could congratulate us from the stage.
I handed the paper to Shelley, asking if she could take the note backstage.
"Who do you want me to give it to?" she asked.
"Paul, if possible". I revealed the contents and that the element of surprise was key.
She smiled and said, " I'll give it to his head of security." I thanked her and quietly returned to my chair.
A few minutes had passed when I noticed several people in the secure area were looking and pointing at me. Finally, an older, tough looking gent motioned for me to go over there.
"Is this your letter?" His accent sounded like he'd seen his share of fisticuffs in the pubs of England.
"I'm Paul's head of security. I had to come out and eyeball you to make sure you're not a looney."
"I understand completely."
"When do you want to do this?"
"During 'My Love'."
"Right. We'll see what we can do." He disappeared behind the black curtains and velvet ropes.
By this time, Michaela had become curious about my dealings with people I'd never met before now.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Oh, I just sent back a fan letter."
"You're lying."
My beloved knows that I'm not the fawning admirer type. Because of my line of work, I've met famous people from time to time and have never written to a celebrity...until now.
"Well, I was hoping to get an autograph." That response seemed to placate her.
The show started. Everyone knows how wonderful that moment was. Paul strolled onstage. "Venus and Mars" rolled into "Rockshow." We were off and running.
Knowing the setlist in advance was like being on a Saturn 5 rocket waiting for liftoff. I knew that "My Love" would be the 11th song. With each passing tune, a most important milestone approached.
"Jet." "All My Loving." "Letting Go."
Sweaty palms...(Good Lord! I'm in junior high again)
"Drive My Car." "Highway." "Let Me Roll It."
Hey...I haven't seen the ring since leaving Indianapolis! Is it still in the box?!?!
"Long and Winding Road."
Ring check good. Michaela was facing the stage the entire time so she never saw me sneak a peek.
"Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five."
Tunnel vision.
"Let 'Em In."
A heart is pounding in my chest. Hopefully, I'll get to propose before the coronary strikes.
Then...a long single note from Wix as Paul introduces "My Love."
The first chord hits. I look at Shelley. She had reappeared along with a number of staff/relatives in the aisle. They were all anxiously waiting for the big moment.
She smiled. "Yes, this is it...go for it!"
Paul was singing. Our little portion of the world grew suddenly brighter. A spotlight was shining down on us. So much for waiting on the guitar solo. I worried that the tech director
would think I was chickening out if I didn't do it right then and there.
So I jumped my cue. I took Michaela by the shoulders, turning her to me. The ring box opened.
"I love you Michaela. Will you marry me?"
With a sudden look of shock, hands to face, tears welling in her eyes my one, my only, my all... said "Yes".
We held each other. The crowd reaction was incredible.
I slipped the ring on her finger...another embrace.
Once again, 19,000 people cheered with us.
As we looked to the stage, Paul smiled at us and gave us the thumbs up. When the song was done, he rose from the piano, looked at us, made the heart symbol
and another thumbs up.
He then approached the center mic and said to me, "I heard you were going to do that!" "Wait a minute, did she say yes?" After I got a confirming nod from Michaela, Sir Paul replied, "Ok, just checking." He then said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, that's Luke and Michaela. They're officially engaged."
We smiled back, trying to yell thank you to him as Michaela waved her new ring and nodded.
Later in the concert, someone held up a sign requesting "Ram On." Paul obliged. As he sang "Give your heart to somebody soon right away..right away"
he looked at us again, gave us a sign of togetherness and hope by raising crossed fingers and thumbs up once more.
Upon leaving the arena, we were greeted by so many well-wishers. Everyone of them was so very kind. We were truly touched. It was an incredible evening for us, the happiest. Imagine, proposing to the woman you love, her acceptance and then the first person to congratulate you and announce your engagement is none other than
Sir Paul McCartney.
Such an incredibly generous act from a man who has already given so much of himself to the world. We can't thank him enough.
As for the marriage plans, no date has been set. After all, this was a surprise. The only people with advance knowledge were my mother and the staff at the
jewelry store in Indianapolis. It's been more than a week since it all took place. Our sleep cycle has yet to return to normal. We're still basking in the glow of it all. The concert, the great seats, the kindness of a living legend and a promise to each other to live out our lives together all combine for the memory of a lifetime.
Every time I think about it I'm stunned. I'm shocked.
No. Maybe I'm amazed."
Luke & Michaela
August 2010

2008: That was the Beatle year that was: Yoko Ono’s art projects

Yoko Ono (Credit: Wikimedia Commons Archives)

By Steve Marinucci, Beatles Examiner, December 21, 2008. 7:33 AM

(Note: This article was posted on Yoko Ono's Imagine Peace website.)

(If you were a Beatle fan, you have to admit 2008 was a strange year in
regard to news from the Beatles. There was great news and there was
weird news. This is one of a series of items we’re writing as a review
of Beatle news from the past year.)

Yoko Ono is not a Beatle, but her work as an artist does bring traces of
the headlines she and Beatle John Lennon made before Lennon’s death. The
bed-ins, the records (yes, even the “Two Virgins” nude record cover.
They were performance art. they were unusual, but underneath it all,
there was a sense of innocence and even humor.

Yoko’s art work since Lennon’s death has carried on that spirit. I
remember her request for 10 minutes of silence on the day of the
worldwide memorial for John Lennon just after he was killed. If you
watched the coverage of it at the time, those 10 minutes weren’t just
silent — they had a spiritual feeling to them. For 10 minutes, Yoko Ono
brought peace to a small corner of the world as she and John Lennon had
tried to do so many times over the years.

She continues that tradition today with her Wish Tree and Onochord
installations, her exhibits that are displayed through the world and the
Imagine Peace Tower.

On the Wish Tree, you are invited to write wishes and hang them on a
“wish tree.” That makes the participant a performance artist. With the
Onochord, you are instructed to blink a flashlight in a Morse code-type
of message to mean the words “I love you.”

The Imagine Peace Tower is a powerfully designed statement in and of
itself. In the cold atmosphere of Iceland, the tower beams a solitary
stripe of light from the ground to outer space. Ringo reportedly joked
to Ono, “Could you put it up in the Caribbean next time?”

And she currently has a massive art exhibition covering two full floors
at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in the UK.

Yoko Ono has become an ambassador for peace and love. “We are in so
much fear, confusion and anger now. And it’s nice to have a moment when
we think of love instead of anything else,” she says in a video on her
Imagine Peace website.

In her unique way, all she is saying is give peace and love a chance.

For more info on Yoko Ono’s art projects and news about her in general:
Yoko Ono’s Imagine Peace website.

Singer-songwriter Emitt Rhodes dies at 70

By Steve Marinucci
July 20, 2020

Emitt Rhodes, a singer whose career began in the 1960s but who became critically acclaimed in the 1970s as a solo artist for his Paul McCartney looks and power pop stylings, died in his sleep on July 19, according to friend and record producer Chris Price. Rhodes was 70.

A darling of the Los Angeles scene then and now, Rhodes most recently released an album in 2016 on Omnivore Records called “Rainbow Ends” which featured collaborations with Aimee Mann, Jon Brion, Susanna Hoffs of the Bangles and members of Jellyfish and the New Pornographers.

One of Rhodes’ first rock credits, according to, was playing drums with the Emeralds, later renamed the Palace Guard. The group donned distinctive red uniforms and also was briefly the backing band for Don Grady, also known as Robbie on the sitcom “My Three Sons.”

Rhodes’ next band, the Merry Go-Round, had two top 100 hits on A&M Records in 1967, “Live” and “You’re a Very Lovely Woman.” “Live” had the bigger chart success, clocking in at No. 63. The group’s self-titled debut, with both songs, hit the back end of the top 200 album chart at #190. The group was seen on TV on ABC’s “The Hollywood Palace.”

But it was as a solo artist where Rhodes garnered acclaim from audiences and critics. His 1970 self-titled solo debut on Dunhill Records hit No. 29 on U.S. album charts during a 20-week stint. A single from the album, “Fresh as a Daisy,” which would have been at home on any Paul McCartney album of that era, hit No. 54 and stayed on the charts for nine weeks.

A multi-disc set of his early recordings, “The Emitt Rhodes Recordings 1969 – 1973,” released by Universal in 2009, collected his first four solo albums, the debut, “Mirror” (1971), “American Dream” (1971) and “Farewell to Paradise” (1973). Rhodes’ Paul McCartney comparisons were later the subject of a 2009 documentary, “The One Man Beatles.” Produced by Tony Blass, the film, lasting just under an hour, is available on Vimeo.

It took over 40 years after his ’70s releases to finally hear any brand new music from Rhodes. A cover of the Bee Gees’ “How Do You Mend a Broken Heart” was an ice breaker in 2015, followed by the full-length “Rainbow Ends,” produced by Price and released a year later.

Price said there were efforts to have Rhodes perform live at one of the annual Wild Honey benefit shows in Los Angeles in which performers recreate classic rock albums, but nothing ever came of it. Price said it had been hoped he would do the Beatles’ song “Rocky Raccoon” during the collective’s White Album tribute. “That would have been fantastic,” he said.

Musician and friend Jim McFarland, whose group Jimimax featured live appearances with Rhodes, described him as “very, very kind. … He’d give you the shirt off his back,” McFarland said.

In a 2009 interview with this writer, his first interview in many years, Rhodes talked about all the comparisons made between him and Paul McCartney and said he didn’t mind them. “Well, that’s a real compliment. What can you say? He’s a great singer, don’t you think? That’s what I thought, too.”


Paul McCartney-influenced singer's first new tracks in years now on iTunes (12/30/2011)

Over two years ago, we broke the news  that singer Emitt Rhodes would be recording again.

For those unfamiliar with his work, his records in the '70s sounded so much like Paul McCartney that comparisons were a common occurrence. His songs were played often on progressive radio back in the '70s and received raves from critics.

Before he went solo, he sang with a group called The Merry-Go-Round, who released an album on A&M Records. "Live" was their best known song. After the Merry-Go-Round disbanded, he went solo and recorded his first solo album in his home studio. The album, simply titled "Emitt Rhodes," hit number 29 on the Billboard album charts. One of his better known songs included "Fresh As a Daisy." All of his songs had a very decidedly McCartney-like tone.

It's taken time, but Rhodes has some new songs.  The three songs, "What's A Man To Do" (on itunes:   are all available on iTunes, and CD Baby. And the McCartney influence is still there.

Dan Mayer, who has worked with Rhodes in the past, told us the songs Rhodes on keyboards, Matt Malley on bass, Richard Thompson on guitar and drummer Joel Larson, who was drummer for the Merry-Go-Round.

 Debbi and Vicki Peterson from the Bangles are the featured background vocalists on "What's a Man To Do" and "The Wall Between Us."

There's no anticipated date as to the completion of the full CD, Mayer says. There's no shortage of material, as there's about 16 new songs waiting in the wings," he told us.

(Note: also has an mp3 compilation of 50 Rhodes songs called "The Emitt Rhodes Recordings (1969 - 1973)" 


Q&A: Apple recording artist Brute Force

May 9, 2012

His song is the most unusual record in the Apple catalog. But there is more to Brute Force than "King of Fuh," a record a lot of people will hear for the first time when "Come and Get It: The Best of Apple Records" is released in the U.S. on Oct. 25. We questioned him by email.

Q: What's your real name and your background?

Brute Force's recording of "King of Fuh" on the Apple label.
BRUTE FORCE: Generally speaking my background is the Universe, a basic goodness, a shining presence, the eternal ground from which all has come, to describe my physical body, an amalgam of chemicals..My body is a repository of my mind. My mind is an endless entity which is comprised of everything there ever was, is and will be ( what we don't know is there waiting to be discovered). The thoughts in my mind are those which I have been taught. I use the method of reason to deal with events, I behave according to reason and emotion.

 As a life form I have been classified as a human being. I have been taught to believe in the unknown. A thought which guides the belief in the unknown is the thought of God, of Spirit. My heritage is Russian. My father and maternal parents came from Russia. My being is connected with gender, race,religion and political classification, that is I am Jewish and American. But my true background is not really a white American Jewish male, none of it, I am that I am, it i was described in the liner notes of the vinyl album Extemporaneous, " I am universal Being on a Spinning Rock." meanwhile many people, and my fans around the world know me as Brute Force. My "real" name is Stephen Friedland.

Q: How did you get involved with Apple Records? 

BRUTE FORCE: At Monmouth College (now University) circa 1963, I had a girlfriend, Joanna. Joanna eventually met Tommy Dawes who had a band, Cyrkle (Red Rubber Ball). They married. I moved to NYC, forgoing a masters degree in dramatic arts at Emerson College, to write songs in NYC with The Tokens production co.I became a Token. Tommy and Joanna also lived in New York City. The Cyrkle was opening for The Beatles around the time that I produced "King of Fuh" with The Tokens, at Olmstead recording studio. It was a long time in the coming because I wanted to cut "King of Fuh" and the Tokens just thought that it would never get play and so it didn't make sense  It took my constant pitch to do it. So my idea was to get the song to The Beatles and Apple. I gave the track to Tommy who gave it to Nathan Weiss, who managed Cyrkle and was a close friend of Brian Epstein. Weiss played it for George Harrison one day in NYC at his office. George decided to make it a single on Apple.

Q: How did the recording session come about? 

BRUTE FORCE: This is answered above. Basic track which was given to George Harrison: Phil Margo played drums. Mitch Margo played bass guitar. I played  piano and Mellotron. We produced "Nobody Knows," which was a hit for the Chiffons, as the B Side, in a psychedelic genre production.

Q: Were any of the Beatles directly involved? 

BRUTE FORCE: George and John called one day to let me and my wife Cynthia know that I had an Apple record. George also wrote me a letter, color painted, letting me know I had a record on Apple. George  had John Barham score the  mellotron lines in the track for 11 strings of The London Philharmonic. He added a harmonic line.  In a letter, Mal Evans  descibes that the violins were overdubbed with the lyrics muted. After the final take, George played the track back with the lyrics added which elicited much laughter from the musicians. In "The Beatles, The Bible and Bodega Bay," pg 212, author Ken Mansfield who was with Capitol. at the time, describes the meeting with John and Yoko. John wanted Ken to explain why Capitol wouldn't release "King of Fuh" in the USA. John wound up calling Ken a...:"tight assed censor." John was descibed as having..."passion for the project." I never knew that John and Yoko had that meeting until some 30 years later. It seriously affected me to know that John branded Capitol a censor and especially that he, John Lennon, was passionate about the song that this songwriter had written. I have left one of my newer productions at the Dakotas for Yoko, Dunno if she got it or listened. Radical Nationalism..The planet as Nation.  One borderline...the edge of earth.  Available on

Q: What happened after the song was released?

BRUTE FORCE: Language taboo on the word "f---" won the battle. My job as language taboo terminator had its painful start. Although the song doesn't say that word,  program managers and disk jockeys were still in the Land of Fear not willing to journey into the beautiful Land of Fuh. "King of Fuh" was the poster child for hypocrisy, in that everyone loved it, laughed a lot yet the jocks wouldn't play it. One jock in NYC played it and as I remember the telephone board at the station "lit up like a Christmas tree," We'll see what happens now 41 years later.  However anyone of the millions of unsuspecting souls, beautiful people around the world who have never heard "King of Fuh" before (imagine!)...can download it. They, after all, have now become the DJ with their own iPod. I was living in California. My daughter was born. I showcased myself as a comedian, singing my funny songs. Making up songs extemporaneously as I had done as a young lad at parties.  I waited a few years before creating Brute Force Records, Jeff Cheen who was with Tetragrammaton helped me fund the 45 of "King of Fuh" on Brute Force Records. I think we manufactured 2,000. 

Q: What are you doing now?... 

BRUTE FORCE: A few main things. A day job in the financial services industry. And performing gigs. In early May, I played a mini-tour in UK with the very talented Gareth Jones and his seven-piece band, Misty's Big Adventure backing me. I host a Variety open mic night at The Players in NYC. And now the following projects and opportunities to perform with Daughter of Force (my daughter, Lilah) and the Brute Force de Fault Band have increased dramatically. Apple Records release of "Come and Get It, The Best of Apple," which includes Brute Force/"King of Fuh" scheduled for Oct. 28. The Sony/Bar None reissue of "I, Brute Force, Confection of Love" in October, with five bonus tracks one of them a song in Russian and English. Razor films, Los Angeles, is in production of a documentary on Brute Force. A gig in NYC in October will tie these events together with my 70th birthday.

At this time in my life I need a  national nightime TV shot. Fallon, Letterman, Kimmel, Leno, Conan. I don't know if they honor censored artists, I mean I'm not known for running a Mercedes into a tree or going to rehab, or behaving as an egoist,  or throwing a cell phone, or accidentally saying a socially ostracized word...rather people internationally have gotten to know me through my songs,  I testify to the Supreme Court and the Earth is my witness, the F word is not in "King of Fuh" and the FCC and every department of government need not fear that the population will riot when hearing the song, as played by radio stations, especially as downloaded by sentient human beings, but double especially when performed by Brute Force on national nightime TV.

It can help turn the key and unleash the King of Fuh to bring his fun throughout the world, to finally be recognized after some 41 years now... and hopefully to extricate me from death by existential suffocation in the corporate world, and to place my picture on the cover of Big Magazines, or to shoot my brief sidewalk encounter on TMZ as the real American King, the King of Fuh; or to be that mild mannerd reporter earnestly seeking to hold back over four decades of anger fueled by a music biz moguls ripping a 28 yr old singer/songwriter from international music biz celebrity, and censoring his art and craft. Release the Kraaken!! If love is blind, the Universe is Braille.  Your servant, Brute

 A follow-up note from Brute Force: 

 BRUTE FORCE: Nov 4, 2010 at Secret Robot Project in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Brute Force, Daughter of Force and Band perform. BF is now 70. Heart pressure medications turn one's penis into a wet noodle. Your servant, Brute Force. If my music is Timeless, where can I find a bar?