Sunday, February 23, 2025

Interview: Hunter Davies says Lennon letters reveal tender side

By Steve Marinucci
Published February, 2016

The newly published “The John Lennon Letters” is a huge collection of letters and communications from Lennon to friends, fans and strangers. We recently interviewed author Hunter Davies, who compiled the collection under authorization from Yoko Ono, by email:

Q: How long did it take to put "The John Lennon Letters" together?

Hunter Davies: “In my mind, I have been thinking about it for about 40 years, ever since John sent me a couple of letters and I thought how witty and interesting he was. Book wise, the project has lasted 3 years.”

Q:You were able to get letters from many sources. How did you make that happen?

Hunter Davies: “It's all explained in the Introduction. I had to track them all down. Individually, there are no collections in Museums or Libraries, etc., but owned by individuals all around the world. Some stories about the book are focusing on the letters that show John showing anger, such as at George Martin, but I thought the letters that were most revealing were the ones where he showed tenderness like the one to Cynthia from Hamburg.

Q: You dealt with John to write "The Beatles." What did you learn about him from doing this book?

Hunter Davies: “You are right - the tender ones are most revealing, i.e. the ones to his cousin Leila where he doesn't swear, make jokes or world play, but is sensitive and nostalgic about his life in England and his hols in Scotland and childhood memories.”

Q: How much influence did Yoko have on what letters went into the book?

Hunter Davies: “Yoko is the copyright holder, and has total control of their publication, but she did not censor one letter, one line, one word. She was totally helpful and supportive- but alas she had no letters . I had to find them.”

Q: Were there enough letters left out to do another book, and if so, will there be a sequel?

Hunter Davies: “I hope more will come in - ask your readers to help. Also I am now going to do a book about the Beatles Lyrics, using their original hand written versions. If you have copies of any, contact me at

Q: "The Beatles" has taken some criticism over the years from both fans and the group. How do you view it now?

Hunter Davies: “Criticism/wot criticism? Long hair, silly Liverpool accent, swearing, bad language? All spot on. They were bastards, as John himself said….”

Q: When will the next edition of it come out and is anything new (such as the George Harrison lyric sheet) coming down the road?

Hunter Davies: “I hope to do a new edition of the biog in a few more years, bringing it up to date, in the light of John's letters and also a couple of letters from his father Alfred I have just found which I think all Beatles fans will be interested in, but I can not reveal further at the moment.”

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